Integrated Mobile App | Concord ERP

Integrated Mobile App

Balance your Expenses and Income with automated ledger reports. Manage the whole capital life cycle with Concord Accounting. Utilizing the best industry practices we enable a smooth flow of Transactions between all the departments of the organization.

Implementation & Deployment

Key Benefits of Mobile ERP App for iOS and Android for your Company.

Real-time access
Connects to ERP features in real time – you always have access to up-to-date information.

Extend your functionality
Expose a variety of functionality in the mobile app using ERP’s Mobile Application Framework and the
tools and languages developers already use.

Automatic synchronization
Changes made in the mobile app are updated and synced in ERP automatically.

Improved Capabilities
Leverage the unique capabilities of your mobile device such as the camera or fingerprint reader. Use the
ERP web interface to capture and upload images with a registered mobile device.


Other Features

Time reporting-: Mobile time card entry immediately updates from anywhere, at any time.
Approvals-: Review and complete approvals for time, expense and sales orders in just a few clicks.
Task management-: Create task in the mobile app and edit it from the ERP later.
No cost to you-: Download the app for the Apple App Store and Google Play.
Mobile push notifications: Notifications of business activities are pushed to mobile app users. For example, this feature can be used to notify sales people of new opportunities.