Best Cloud-Based ERP Software in India | Best ERP Software in India | Concord ERP

Secured Scalable Budget Fit


Concord ERP is Built on Robust Microsoft Platforms,and Can be Deployed on Microsoft Windows Server Easily.

Because ERP works on Microsoft Servers, We get multiple Layer of Data Protection and Enhanced Scalibility.

The proprietary customized business systems that larger enterprises build by integrating together expensive packaged business applications suites with in-house proprietary software that their IT organizations develop to help them achieve competitive advantage through end-to-end business function support are too complex and costly for most SMBs. Most SMBs don’t have the technology know-how and budget to build, deploy and maintain such systems using this approach.




The technology that underlies Concord ERP is one of the most important differentiates between Concord ERP and other competitive solutions on the market. Concord ERP offers companies a unique opportunity to utilize sophisticated technology to gain strategic advantage by helping them build, deploy and maintain highly adaptive and responsive back-office information systems based on standard Concord ERP application components, and do so in a way that’s fully supportable and upgrade able. The result is an affordable, manageable way to combine state-of-the-art business applications functionality with company-specific proprietary business process support, enabled by a sophisticated software customization tool-set, methodology and infrastructure.

Technically ERP is Backed Up by : 

Hosting : Dedicated or Cloud (Recommended)

Database : MSSQL Server (Recommended) or MySql Server

Coding : Updated Android ; PHP ; .Net

Security : DDOS ; SSL ; Database Level Encryption on Select Plans

Technology Details

Concord User Interface

The Concord user interface is designed for ease of access; by means of Device compatibility and usability, It also supports high speed data entry and fast access to information:

  • Enabled with Tap features and suggestive/Predictive interface.
  • Quick and Easy access to your information from almost all devices.
  • User friendly, easy to learn and use.
  • Unified technology, single unified user interface.
  • On the fly queries from any screen.

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Adaptable Architecture

The backbone of Concord ERP software technology is its Adaptable Applications Architecture, an innovative applications infrastructure underlying the entire software suite that controls all aspects of application design, development and deployment. Built into this application infrastructure are highly scalable data processing capabilities, enabled by the robust SQL relational database support built into the Concord ERP architecture. Widespread use of industry-standard “open” technologies allows virtually unfettered access to all Concord ERP applications and data, within a fully controlled and managed environment.

Using our innovative Adaptable Applications Architecture, Concord ERP business applications can be completely tailored to support your company’s standard and specialized business processes end-to-end, leveraging out-of-the-box Concord functionality.

Adaptable and Scalable Architecture



The key business problem that Concord ERP’s Adaptable Applications Architecture solves via its comprehensive use of technology and methodology is;

When we Start utilizing ERP and slowly and gradually when we port all of our business processes to it; Mostly ERP's starts degradation of performance;

Concord is Fully Scalable to use practically in any sized organization.


Restfull API , NO Locks and Some of our own developed fast compression mechanism are auto tuned as per loads.

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SQL DataBase

Besides features and functionality, one of the main differences between low-end PC software packages and even many mid-tier back-office solutions and the truly salable, industrial-strength Concord ERP applications is the database technology “under the hood.” Growing small and medium-size businesses today want business applications with the technology infrastructure that can scale to support many users simultaneously accessing large amounts of transnational and analytical data. To do that, savvy customers know they need a high-performance, low-maintenance SQL relational database engine like the one that’s built into Concord ERP.

Concord ERP Utilizes Latest Currently updated Cloud Version of SQL SERVER




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Server/Hosting Options

The Concord ERP leverages the Linux operating system as a highly robust, scalable, cost-effective database and applications server platform. Completely networkable with all recent ‘client’ PCs running Microsoft Windows™ over a standard TCP/IP connection, the Concord ERP database and application server is a perfect complement to your existing or new Windows™ PC TCP/IP network. Concord ERP can also run on a Windows server using the VMware virtualization technology.

The Concord server can be deployed in any of the following ways:

Premise, your Linux server

Premise, virtualized under VMware, your ESX(i), Windows, or Linux server

Cloud/Hosted, your choice of Cloud provider

Cloud/SAAS (Software-As-A-Service), you have no host responsibilities





Linux is an extremely powerful server platform that is in use in over 80% of businesses today. Derived from the Unix operating system developed by Bell Labs over 30 years ago, it is the most rapidly growing server platform on the market today. Because Linux is basically free, it provides SMBs with the most cost-effective business server platform available, and its stability and reliability have been long touted.

Concord ERP utilizes the Linux server platform because of its uniquely high reliability, scalability to literally thousands of users, and its low cost. Compare the cost, performance and reliability of the Concord ERP Linux server with any competitive solutions and you’ll find the Concord solution way out in front. Uptime, ease of maintenance, cost to deploy and cost to maintain are all significantly better compared with pure Windows™-based server solutions on the market.

Minimal hardware requirements make almost any recently-purchased mid to high-end server with an appropriate backup device a good candidate to be your Concord ERP Linux server. See the Requirements tab above for more information about Concord ERP server hardware recommended specifications.


VMware is a great way to run the Concord ERP software in a Windows environment, and doesn’t require your IT staff to know much about Linux to administer and maintain the system. VMware basically runs an ‘instance’ of the fully functioning Concord ERP native Linux server inside an area that is kept separate from other Windows applications, but that can be easily backed up and moved around if needed.

This approach provides excellent portability benefits and is one we strongly recommend for multi-OS environments. The free version of VMware is all most of our customers ever need, so Concord ERP’s Low Cost of Ownership is maintained. Please click on the VMware link under Related Resources for more information.


Don’t want to own the server hardware and do hardware and OS maintenance yourself? No problem, just choose from the many different hosting options to have a trusted 3rd party hosting provider deploy and support your Concord ERP server. Please inquire to learn about all of the options to host Concord ERP outside your business.


Want to host on other UNIX platforms (HP, IBM, Sun)?  Just ask and we’ll explain the additional licensing costs for initially deploying on UNIX or for trading up in the future from Linux.  The same exact application software (with all of your customization if you’re upgrading) is fully compatible with all platforms we support – just trade up and recompile, there’s nothing to convert!

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System Or Hardware Requirement


Please note that this page describes the server requirements if you elect to run Concord on your premise based server or via private hosting. Concord is also available in a Cloud/Software-As-A-Service (SAAS) model which does not require any server.



The following specifications are the minimum recommended for a physical or virtual server that will support up to the indicated number of users for a typical Concord ERP implementation. A useful system life of 3-5 years is anticipated. Hardware resources of less than those recommended below may provide more than adequate performance for some implementations; however, growth should be considered. Another factor not comprehensively addressed by these recommendations is upgrade capability. Remember that hardware technology and prices change rapidly and these recommendations are based on readily-available products on the date this document was last updated.



 Require-ments 10 Users 25 Users 50 Users 100 Users
 CPU Type Pentium 4 Pentium 4   Pentium 4 or Xeon Xeon
 # of CPU’s(1)  1 Single Core   1 Dual Core   1 Quad Core  2 Quad Core
 CPU Speed  2.8ghz+  2.8ghz+  2.8ghz+  2.0ghz+
 RAM(2)  2 GB+  8GB  16GB  32GB
 Processor Bits  64 bit  64 bit  64 bit  64 bit
 Video(3)  Any  Any  Any  Any
 Disk Storage  32GB SATA or SCSI hard drives w/ RAID  64GB SATA or SCSI hard drives w/ RAID  128GB SATA or SCSI hard drives w/ RAID  160GB SATA or SCSI hard drives w/ RAID
 Backup Device  Internet or NAS with off-site   Internet or NAS with off-site   Internet or NAS with off-site   Internet or NAS with off-site
 Network Card  Ethernet 10/100 /1000   Ethernet 10/100 /1000   Ethernet 10/100 /1000   Ethernet 10/100 /1000
 Remov-able Media  CD or DVD and USB Drive    CD or DVD and USB Drive  CD or DVD and USB Drive   CD or DVD and USB Drive
 Power Protection  U.P.S. and surge protector  U.P.S. and surge protector  U.P.S. and surge protector  U.P.S. and surge protector



  • The standard Concord ERP license is limited to a maximum of 2 dual core processors or 1 quad core processor on the physical or virtual server (see full details on the “complete Linux server requirements” link below). Additional licensing fees apply beyond these limits.
  • RAM is inexpensive and can improve system performance by adding more than the recommended value.
  • No need for high-end graphics card for Linux console.



Concord is supported on a native Linux Server or can be shipped as a ready to use pre-installed VMware virtual environment that can be hosted on a Windows server or any Intel based server that supports VMware (Windows, Linux, ESX, ESXi)

Linux Server Software Requirements – Overview

  • Development or Professional version of Linux software
  • Supported Linux Distributions (click complete requirements link below for supported versions)
  • Red Hat Enterprise Series
  • CentOS
  • SUSE
  • Debian
  • Ubuntu
  • For all others, please contact Fourth Generation Software

VMware Server (Pre-Installed Concord Server Virtual Environment) Software Requirements – Overview

  • Server Options:
    • Windows
    • Linux
    • ESX
    • ESXi
  • Server chipset must be Intel
  • VMware version 2.02 or later


Windows Client: (Minimum Requirements)

  • Intel processor (Pentium and up)
  • 10 MB available hard drive space
  • 32 MB RAM
  • TCP/IP and Telnet connection to Linux Host
  • Windows XP or better (Win XP/7/8)

X11 (X-Windows) Client (Client must be Intel processor based and support WINE)

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E-Commerce Integration

Does your company need the online presence of an eCommerce website?  Concord has partnered with Nop Commerce (.Net Based) Commerce to offer a full featured eCommerce website that can be fully integrated to your Concord ERP system. Your eCommerce website can have live (real-time) access to your Concord order entry and inventory system to submit new orders, provide status information about existing orders that your customers place via the web, access up-to-the-minute inventory balances, customer profiles, and more.


Nop Commerce (.Net Based) is an open source application that can be used “out of the box” or customized to your exact needs. Concord provides a standard integration tool kit that allows full customization to your exact requirements.


We offer technical support for each of the skill sets required to fully implement and maintain your Nop Commerce (.Net Based) eCommerce web site and can assist your IT staff in any or all of these areas.


Features/Function Highlights

  • Highly functional eCommerce (Web Storefront) capabilities at a low cost from a leading eCommerce player, with integration to Concord ERP
  • Site management
  • Mobile commerce
  • International support
  • Checkout
  • Payment
  • Customer service
  • Catalogue management
  • Product browsing
  • Marketing promotions and tools
  • Search engine optimization
  • Shipping
  • Order management
  • Customer accounts
  • catalogue browsing
  • Analytics and reporting
  • Concord integration toolkit including:
  • Accessing/updating customer profile information
  • Accessing live (real-time) inventory balances
  • Submitting new web orders to Concord ERP for processing
  • Accessing live (real-time) order status information on orders placed from the web
  • Ability to tailor any part of the Concord/Nop Commerce (.Net Based) integration, to provide the exact capabilities you need

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Bar Coding Support

Like the old saying says, ‘garbage in, garbage out’.  Automating your business with ERP software can greatly help streamline many of your company’s key business processes, but makes the accuracy of the information being collected even more important.

Leveraging bar coding technologies to more accurately input information into your ERP system can significantly improve the quality of data as well as streamline many processes, from receiving and put-away to order taking to inventory and cycle counting.   With many different types of bar coding solutions on the market today, ‘one-size-fits-all’ solutions can be limiting, and custom interfaces can be tedious and costly to implement.

Fourth Generation Software has addressed this issue by building an integration architecture into the Concord ERP suite that allows for most any type of scanning device to be interfaced with to help leverage these technologies to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Concord ERP system.  A range of technologies from telnet emulation to web services is available to provide the best tools for the job.


Since there are many different types of scanners and many task to which they are applied, initial setup and interface configuration is needed, but once enabled, the Concord-scanner interface manages the exchange of information between scanning devices and Concord ERP.  Fourth Generation does not sell or support any bar coding hardware, but will work with you to help you find the best products and technologies.


  • Flexible architecture supports integration with most any kind of scanning device, supporting many different symbolises, protocols and technologies, from most any vendor on the market
  • Live and batch interfaces available, with tailorable options to achieve most any scanning goal required
  • Support for many different functions within Concord, via predefined ‘methods’ that automate how data collected via the device is processed within Concord

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Electronic Data Interchange

Businesses that do business with large companies, especially in certain industries, are often required by these customers to use EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) software to automate the transmission of information like purchase orders, shipping acknowledgements, and invoices. Some require support for additional transaction sets / document types.  On its own, integrating EDI with your business software can be an expensive and time-consuming proposition.

Fourth Generation Software makes it easy for Concord customers to use EDI to do business with their large customers by partnering with an EDI software company that is truly a leader in its industry, True Commerce.  With support for thousands of Trading Partners in dozens of industries, supporting all major document types, True Commerce, integrated with the Concord ERP solution, takes the headaches away and makes doing business via EDI easy.



Contact Fourth Generation for licensing costs and other information. Initial setup and interface configuration is needed, but once enabled, the Concord-True Commerce interface manages the exchange of transactions between Concord and your trading partners, using True Commerce’s Transaction Manager software.  Additional competitively-priced transaction fees from True Commerce are applicable once True Commerce software is licensed from Fourth Generation and the Concord-True Commerce interface is configured.

Please contact us if you have other system interface/integration needs; we have a number of data conversion, import, and other utilities and technologies that help us automate the exchange of information between Concord and other business systems and technologies.


  • Support for thousands of Trading Partners
  • Support for hundreds of different Transaction Codes Overall a very cost competitive EDI solution, that’s fully supported by True Commerce
  • Besides EDI, Concord supports other general interface/integration technologies including the Concord Data Import module and live and batch interfaces using web services, XML, SQL and flat files, please inquire for more details

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