Construction Management ERP Software in India | Best ERP Software in India | Concord ERP

15 Modules Lined up for Action

Finance & Accounts

Add Accounts (Type Of Account Entry With Head ) Voucher Entries (Receipt, Payment, Contra, JV ,Debit Note, Credit Note, Site To Site Transfer Amount)

Post Bills

(Manage All Types Of Bill, Vendor Bill, Transporter Bill, Contractor Bill , Salary Post, Running Bill, Machinery Bill, Sales Bill)

Cash and Cheque Payments

All Types Of Taxes Paid (GST, TDS, PT, PF, ESIC, )

GST Auto-Reconciliation

Bank Connectivity for Bulk Payment Feature

Proper Expense Management.

finance and accounts erp software


1) Interview Call Letter
2) Interview scheduling
3) Offer Letter , Appointment Letter Creation
4) Daily Staff Attendance(In & Out Time)
5) Staff Performance Knowledge
6) Taxation Paid (PF,TDS, ESIS,PT etc.)
7) Month Salary Creation (After Attendance approval)
8) Leave Policies
9) Pay Slip Generated
10) Salary Distribute
11) A/ C Posting,


13) Task Management  


Machinery & Vehicle Management

1) All Type Machinery Entry.

2) Machinery Documentary.(Insurance. fitness, PUC, etc)  management.

3) Diesel management AND VEHICLE/ MACHINERY AVG. management.

4) VEHICLE/ MACHINERY Trip Management.

5) Contractor Work Order Create.

6) Contractor Work DPR Daily and All Staff DPR Entry.

7) Contractor Work Bill Entry and Approval Process.

8) Contractor Work Pending Checking.

9) Work Estimate entry and comparison to Stock Transaction.

10) Machinery Billing.

11) Machinery service scheduling

12) Machinery Profit & Loss


Production & FIBC

1 Purchase

2 Inventory

3 Cost Estimate

4 Bill of Materials (BOM)

5 Routing

6 Production

7 Quality Control

8 Reports

9 Planning

Production & FIBC

Store & Inventory

1) Generate a Material Requirement At Site Store
2) Generate a Material Indent At Site
3) Approval Material Indent Form Head Office By Authorized Person ,
4) Inquiry Generate with Vendor Interaction by Purchase Department ,
5) Quotation Generated, by Purchase Department
6) Quotation Compression, by Purchase Department
7) PO (Purchase Order ) Generate With Approval ,by Purchase Department
8) If collect The Material at Then Create a GRN ,(Good Received Note )
9) Requirement Material Issue To Store In charge ,
10) Stock Match & Verification  On Physical  and System at Site
11) Bill Verification On Received Material Quantity at site

Store & Inventory


Enquiry — Follow-ups – Quotation Submission-Purchase order Acceptance-Work Order
Business/Industry oriented process driven.

Highly customized Module to Serve A Realestate company and Manufacturing company.

1) Project Management.(Plot ,Flats ,Willa, Row House's ETC,)

2) All Unit Management (Sale, available unit, Booking, Resale, Hold, Cancel, Registry, etc).

3) Enquiry Management (Site Wise).

4) Follow Management (Site Wise).

5) Booking Management.

6) Client amount (Out Standing ) Management and All Type Of Documentation (allotment latter, demand latter, Possession Letter, etc).

7) A/C Posting all Client Transactions


Purchase Managment

1) Material Requirement with (Approval )

2) Indent With Approval

3) Inquiry Generate with Vendor Interaction

4) Quotation Generated

5) Quotation Compression

6) PO (Purchase Order ) Generate With Approval

7) Inventory, GRN, Done Our Site  

8) Purchase Bill Done After Checking  ,With Approval

9) Contractor Bill Posting 

10) A/C Posting (Ledger)

Purchase Management

Project Management

1) Add Project With BOQ and Start Time and Completed Time.  (Multiple Project Manage, Location, Sub Project, and Chainage Manage  )

2) Add Task Management

3)  Work Progress ( DPR Entry With Work Photo )

4)  RA Bills Creation and Contractor Bill Process.

5)  Billing Formats.

6)  RA and Contractor BII Approval.

7)   A/c Bill Posting

Project Management

GPS Module

1) All Type Machinery Entry

2) All Type Of SIM Entry

3) All Type  GPS Plan Master Entry

4) All Type GPS Device Entry

5) All Type  Geo-Fence area  Entry

6) Allotments To Vehicle (SIM, GPS Device  Installation, GPS Plan, Geo-Fence area Assignment)

7) Device Activation and And Deactivation Process.

8) All Reports (Ignition , Idle Running , Geo-Fence area Break, Day Journey , Report  )

9) Live Tracking

GPS Module

Labour Management

The main objective of the Labour Management System is to maintain daily wages, labour and subcontractor details. From daily anonymous attendance to regular employee attendance. Inspect the safety and standards to work on the field for workers to avoid unwanted damages. Track work orders for various sites and the various location at a single view.

Labour Management

Contractor Management

Hazzle Free Working
Maintain a list of contractors. Leading towards better preference, better performance generate the contract and agreements standards deal upon what will happen after the contract is approved?

Contractor Management

Planning and Estimation

Execute it as Planned
Be prepared for unforeseen changes by analyzing previous reports to realizing the repetitive constraints. Mark your budget limits with timely alerts on exceeding limits. Ensures a project is achievable, measurable, specific, relevant and in the bound of time. Share the planning and ideas with customized groups in a centralized system making it a more Accountable and Consortium system.

Planning and Estimation

Management Console Admin

An effective administration module is an asset to an organization. This module is link between an organization’s various modules and ensures the smooth flow of information from one site to the other. Without an effective administration, an organization would not run professionally and smoothly.

Management Console Admin

Plant & Production

Helping you manage the price of the material, labour, and manufacturing at its current level and even reduce it over time. Allow flexibility in lead time and order quantity through interrelated modules like Store, Purchase, Machinery, Finance and Accounts and HR monitor wastage for reusability and cost reduction.

Plant & Production

MIS System

“Make analysis from past, keep present in observation and lead a future without imperfections.” Consolidated and Integrated data from multiple modules and sites analyzed and summarized for faster decision making. Manage modules like accounts, purchase, human resource, production, machinery and permissions at a glance. Accept and empower unforeseen changes with pre-scheduled plans constructed with the help of MIS. Optimizes the probability to manage projects with ease and be prepared for variance in cost, labour, machinery, and material with alternate drafted plans. Manage the KPIs to enhance the growth of the project.

MIS System




3.Production challan 

4.Pump management 


6.Concrete stock  management 






